“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

Pablo Picasso


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Rental of soundproof rooms with grand pianos for practice or recording.

Tretze Piano Studio is the best place to practice or record your musical work with quality instruments, without noise or distractions, and in a comfortable space.

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Lloguer de sales insonoritzades amb piano de cua

Tretze Piano Studio és el lloc ideal si necessites  practicar o enregistrar les teves peces amb un instrument de qualitat,  sense sorolls ni distraccions i en un espai acollidor.

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en grup

A Tretze Piano Studio organitzem diverses activitats:

  • Sessions musicals d’alumnes
  • Sortides a concerts
  • Concerts privats de piano a l’estudi
The joy of
playing the piano